Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Weekly Fresh Food Haul March 29 2023


Weekly Haul of 3/29/2023

Small bag of grapes, one orange, two gala apples, radishes, one avocado, one cucumber, two sweet potatoes, frozen spinach, frozen cauliflower and a head of lettuce.

The key to these fresh fruits and vegetables not going bad is to eat them in a timely manner. So I will start incorporating them into my meals tonight and every day until they are consumed. If you plan on throwing them into a draw and not pulling them back out for 5-7 days then it would be better to wait four or five more days before you purchase them. 

This is enough to last me about seven full days and it will stay fresh the entire time. I will focus on the fresh raw foods first and the frozen are for backup and to get me through to the next weeks grocery haul if I end up consuming all of my fresh foods before that time.

Healthy is not expensive!!

Grapes $1.38 for one pound
Two Sweet Potatoes $1.27 for both
Orange was $0.88 cents
Radishes were $1.78
Cucumber $0.78 cents
Frozen bag of spinach, 12 ounces, $1.12
Avocado was 0.78cents
frozen cauliflower (12 ounce bag) $0.98cents

I also bought an 18ct carton of eggs $2.72
Carton of Unsweetened Almond Milk $2.44

All of this only totals $14.13 and the frozen spinach will most likely last several weeks to a month. The eggs will last two weeks. The frozen cauliflower will last me two to three meals. The radishes and lettuce will last more than seven days if kept dry and in the vegetable drawer. I still have some fresh celery in the crisper drawer from last week and it has not ruined. Hoping to make some cream of celery soup this week and use some of it with an apple to make a celery apple salad.

I still have enough spaghetti squash left from last weeks haul and today I'm going to brown some ground beef and a bit of frozen mixed vegetables with the spaghetti squash for supper tonight to finish that off.

I already had some chicken breast in the freezer and other meats and seafood. But with the fresh weekly foods only costing around $15 or less I can afford to replace those foods as needed.

Your fresh food haul may look different then mine. However it looks I hope you will consider incorporating more fresh foods into your daily (every day) diet.

All of these foods are #glutenfree #dairyfree #soyfree #grainfree and #nightshadefree 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Breakfast Sausage Without Nightshades

 Finding a breakfast sausage without nightshades or soy can be challenging. Breakfast sausage, of course, is a processed food so we want to eat it sparingly, but, if you have the occasion where you need breakfast sausage at least choose the least offensive on ingredients. 

For me it is the Farmland Brand. They have several different pork products on the market so always read the ingredients list before purchasing but the Farmland Original Pork Sausage Roll is nightshade free, gluten free and soy free.

Another option is to buy ground pork in your meat department. It looks like a pound of ground turkey or ground beef. Then, you can add your own seasonings to it. A nice thing about buying ground pork is you could also use it for Italian dishes by adding italian seasonings as most italian sausage on the market are full of nightshades and many have corn syrup.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Gluten Free Alternatives To Cornstarch and Flour as a Thickener

 You want to make a sauce or gravy or thicken a soup or stew. Use to you would just grab a couple tablespoons of flour, traditional wheat flour. Since going gluten free you may have turned to cornstarch since the rice flour and other gluten free flours are much on making a roux.

Now, you have progressed your diet to avoiding grains which would include cornstarch. The first suggestion made is always arrowroot but not all of us are pleased with the gelatinous texture you can end up with when using arrowroot. For this reason we wanted to look at Tapioca Starch.

What is tapioca starch?

A: Tapioca is made by extracting the starch from the roots of the Cassava plant.

What is arrowroot?

A: Arrowroot is made from the roots of a plant called the Maranta Arundinacea. 

Both Arrowroot and Tapioca are gluten free and fine to use.

Some things to know:

Most people agree that arrowroot works well to make things like glazes and as a thickener for fruit desserts but can turn slimy and weird when trying to thicken a meat sauce or anything with dairy. Arrowroot seems to be the better choice for acidic liquids.

I have read in multiple sites that your best practice with arrowroot is to add it at the very end of cooking.

Tapioca on the other hand is my goto starch/flour for thickening gravy and savory meat sauces. If you avoid gluten but not dairy, tapioca is your goto thickener.

Both tapioca and arrowroot use the same principle to avoid lumps: always mix with a bit of cold water first before adding slowly to your hot mixture.

Monday, March 20, 2023

What Questions Do You Have About This Diet?

 Please post your questions below in the comments section! Or, suggestions on what you would like to see. This is a new blog and I am still adding content.

Frozen Strawberry Recall March 2023


Frozen strawberries sold at Costco, Trader Joe's, recalled after hepatitis A outbreak

"Frozen organic strawberries sold at stores across the U.S., including Costco, Aldi and Trader Joe's, have been recalled over the product's potential link to an outbreak of hepatitis A infections in Washington state."

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Back Exercises Really Can Ease Pain

 Here are five easy back exercise that really can ease lower back pain for most people. The trick is to perform these daily and first thing in the morning before you start moving throughout your day.

One thing I like most about all of these exercises is that you have to get on the floor. As we age, and especially for those of us with limitations, inflammation and arthritis it is important to know you can continue to get yourself back up off the floor without the assistance of another person if need be. It is important to retain full body movement as much as possible, and that includes getting down on the floor and getting back up. If this is something you find difficult to do I encourage you to start practicing. You will be amazed at how resilient the body is.

Before doing any of these yoga poses I like to suggest first doing a few stretching exercises like toe touches. Only, when you are touching the toes stay there and hold that pose for a count of eight. If you are stiff, you should feel the stretch in the lower back and possibly in the backs of the legs.

After the count of eight, reach for the ceiling for a count of eight like the pose below. Repeat this toe touch exercise four or five times before doing the back exercises above.

The first back exercise, PLANK is easy on those who have pain in their wrist. It is okay to do some variation of this yoga pose if you need to for your own comfort and needs. This pose is great for your entire body and can also increase strength and stamina. Hold the pose for as long as is comfortable for you. As you do this pose daily, it will become easier and you will be able to do it longer. 

The second back exercise, BACK ARCH, is very important, and it is my opinion if you are pressed for time and can only do one exercise choose this one. It will do more to ease your lower back pain than almost any other. I would still suggest at least a few toe touches for stretching purposes first.

Swimming is a great exercise for the entire body and if this is something you can incorporate into your life I encourage you to do so.

BIRD DOG is an excellent exercise for the lower back. It not only stretches but strengthens.

Then we come to the fifth and last exercise, TABLE AND CHILD POSE. If you have bad knees and find this difficult, use a thick gymnastics mat, not a flat thin yoga mat but a thick exercise mat or, try doing this exercise on your bed. Below I have included the link to just the sort of mat so that you can get an idea of what to do look for. Often times you can find one in your local retail stores: 

Thick Yoga Mat:

Saturday, March 18, 2023

How To Use the New 2023 Grocery Buying Guide


This is a list of food products that meet the following criteria:

No gluten
No dairy
No soy or soy byproducts
No grains or byproducts of grains
No nightshades or byproducts of nightshades
No fructose corn syrup

If you see a product that says grain free that would also mean it is gluten free as all glutens are grains. Vegan means dairy free and egg free.

  Since the last time I published a grocery list there have been many new and exciting products hit the market. We have much more to choose from and the best news is that these anti-inflammatory friendly products are becoming standard in our neighborhood markets.

 For those of you who are brand new to avoiding gluten, dairy, soy, nightshades, and grains I know it can seem overwhelming. What can I eat? What’s left to eat?

 Well, as you will see in this book, there are lots of foods for you to choose from. I found as many foods as possible first and foremost in regular grocery stores in regular towns.

 This book includes the natural, unprocessed foods as well as the brand name packaged foods that can sometimes be more convenient.

 You may find some products on two or more lists. I am aware of this and it is only to make it easier for you to find your product.

As you read through the lists included in this book circle the foods you already know you like or would like to try. Or, if using a kindle, create your own list in a blank journal or notebook.

This book is conveniently divided by the aisles of any regular grocery store; aisles, frozen foods, dairy, etc. Use this book when you are creating your grocery list for the week, coming up with nightly menu's and take it to the store with you so that you can refer to it while shopping.

Skip over any foods that you do not eat. Each of our bodies are very unique, just because it is 'clean' doesn't mean it doesn't bother you in some way.

This book does include processed foods but many of us are bothered by processed foods and should avoid them. I have included them for those who can eat them without incident or have them on rare occasion during a holiday or when serving others. How often you eat a particular food is entirely up to you and only you know what your body tolerates and what triggers symptoms.

It is important to get into the habit of looking at the ingredients of every single thing before you purchase it. Ingredients change from time to time and so what has made this list today may not make the list next year. The time consuming effort of reading labels, you will find, is much easier when you start eating whole fresh foods and less overly processed foods. It is the overly processed foods with long ingredients list you will most likely just avoid anyway and there is no need to read the list.

This overall list also includes things like carbonated beverages. While most of us should not be drinking carbonated beverages due to the sugar content, whether real sugar or artificial, as a regular part of our diet, we may be looking for something to serve on a special occasion. For this reason I have included them.

The list of clean foods for the following food groups included in this book include:

  • eggs
  • legumes
  • nuts and seeds
  • packaged salads
  • produce: fruits and vegetables
  • fresh meats
  • fresh seafood
  • Baking aisle: oil and nonstick sprays, seasonings and spices, sweeteners
  • beverages
  • box mixes
  • bread
  • broth
  • condiments: mayo, mustard, horseradish, relish, pickles, salad dressing
  • jams and jelly
  • peanut butter
  • canned foods: beans, fruit, applesauces, meats and seafood, soup, vegetables
  • Dairy Free Products
  • Frozen foods
  • Sauces and gravies
  • pasta
  • dried beans
  • Miscellaneous refrigerated
  • snack aisle
  • vinegar

The book also includes a sample grocery list and the cost for one month.

For More Details: 

Friday, March 17, 2023

In the kitchen and at a loss as to what to eat?

 #glutenfree #dairyfree #soyfree #NightshadeFree #GrainFree If you suddenly feel bewildered as to what to eat grab a piece of paper/pen and do an inventory of everything in your kitchen that are 'clean' foods.

By 'clean' I of course mean foods that DO NOT cause you inflammation, pain, gut discomfort, constipation, headaches, diarrhea, brain fog, mood swings, outburst of anger, etc. Which foods trigger us can be different for everyone, but those foods usually fall within one of these groups:






It does not matter WHY at the time of making the decision of what to choose to eat. Simply avoid what bothers you in a negative way. Not knowing the why is not reason to eat this food and suffer. You can always talk with your doctor and your next office visit about your concerns, in the meantime, avoiding certain foods will not harm your health so long as you have an overall healthy diet.

Black pepper, for instance, is not a nightshade and yet many people who avoid nightshades have a problem with black pepper.

There are many, many that claim grains cause chronic constipation. I am one of them. While everyone is claiming the virtues of eating whole grains to keep you 'regular' it just might not be true for all of us. I was chronically constipated for years and when I finally gave in and tried omitting all grains 100% I suddenly became regular. It was heaven!


Oats, corn, rice, wheat; and so this means most breads, cereals and the like.

Back to the original post: if you do an inventory of your kitchen - the cupboards, freezer, refrigerator most people realize they have lots of foods they can eat today, right now. But, if you find very little then it might be time to get more serious about your grocery shopping.

Grain Free Substitutes for Rice Vinegar

 Rice vinegar is made from fermented rice. So, if you are avoiding grains you will be avoiding rice vinegar. Now some people can handle a li...